About Chips Competence Centre

Danish Chip Competence Centre

The Danish Chips Competence Centre (DkCCC) is one of 27 national Chips Competence Centres established as part of EU’s Chips act. The technical focus areas or DkCCC are chip design and fabrication with a specialization on quantum 

The main goals of DkCCC are to: 

  • Become the preferred access point to link Danich chip actors to essential chip design and manufacturing resources being these either in Denmark or elsewhere in EU. 
  • Support business development at existing companies and lower the threshold for new companies and start-ups to enter and succeed in the field. 

DkCCC is organized as a consortium led by DTU Nanolab (Technical University of Denmark), the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (Aarhus University), the Niels Bohr Institute (University of Copenhagen), the Danish National Metrology Institute (DFM), and Danish Industry (DI). Our main office is located at the Technical University of Denmark in Lyngby.  


The European Commission and the Danish Ministry of Higher Education is funding DkCCC and, our goals align with the EU's ambition to advance chip production and innovation, contributing to the aim of at least doubling Europe’s chip fabrication capacity by 2030. 

Vision and mission 

Our vision is to:

Significantly increase the number of Danish companies developing, fabricating and marketing successful chip solutions. To establish a robust, integrated chip community and ecosystem in Denmark, closely connected with EU chip competence centres and the broader European chip community. 

Our Mission is to:

Lower the threshold for Danish and EU-based SMEs and start-ups to design and fabricate semiconductor chips in general and quantum chips in particular. DkCCC will provide training, tools and resources, to support innovations and sustained business development within these areas of advanced chip technology.

Our team