Partners in Danish Chips Competence Centre

The partnership between Aarhus University, Dansk Industri, DFM, DTU Nanolab, and the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen in the Danish Chips Competence Centre brings together leading players in research, technology development, and industry to drive innovation and growth in advanced chip technology. Each of the five partners contributes specialised knowledge and expertise, creating a strong foundation for the development of quantum chips, nanomaterials, and advanced manufacturing methods.

Start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) will greatly benefit from this partnership by gaining access to cutting-edge technologies, advanced infrastructure, and a robust network. Through the Danish Chips Competence Centre, companies can test and develop their products in a supportive and innovative environment, while also gaining direct access to the latest research and industry standards. This partnership creates unique opportunities for growth, collaboration, and internationalisation, particularly in the rapidly advancing fields of quantum and chip technology.

Read more about the individual partners.